When growing multiple strains outdoors some system is required to know which plants are in which containers. We tried printing sticky labels but they UV fade to nothing requiring constant reprinting and relabeling. We now use a check list and a number written on each container. These #’s also fade but they are easily written over before they disappear. It also provides a record for your reference provided you create a container and strain list of each container and update it with topping dates, first flower date, breeding date, harvest date.

As of March 2024 we will give our dirt some life by the use of 3 different ORGANIC Amway Fertilizer mixtures.
Our soil base consists of dry lifeless dirt mixed with leaves 10%, worm castings 20%, and powdered coconut cois 20%. We begin to fill our container with a bottom layer of coconut husk chips. This layer gets a couple of spray of Amway soil fertilizer. We top this off with a layer of large lumps of dirt then comes the finer lumps of dirt. This receives several sprays of Amway soil. then a layer of dirt sprayed with Amway soil. each layer is approximately 3 cm.
Dirt – turn dirt into soil – water 500 cc/ml, APSA-80 2 cc/ml, Soil Plus 20 cc/ml. Subtle spray on dirt surface layer below the surface layer, alternately you may spray the dirt on several layers depending on the size of the container. Measure APSA-80 into your final mixture container, add Soil Plus, then add water and mix. I keep a clean jar of water beside me so I can clean the syringe between mixtures.
Leaf Spray – instant food for leaf absorption – Water 10 L, N 30 cc, NPK 30 cc, K 15 cc, AG 15 cc, CaB 15 cc, ZN 20 cc. APSA-80 40 cc. Weekly lightly spray over leaves before flowers appear.
Flower – instant food for flower development – Water 10 L, NPK 100 cc, AG 40 CC, CaB 30 cc, APSA-80 2-3 cc. Weekly lightly spray on flowers and leaves.
The word ORGANIC in Thailand has little meaning. So don’t fall for it. Hydroponics is not organic as it is all about chemical feeding plants.
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